DIY solutions for smart comfort
Up in the morning, down in the evening - with the smart roller shutter control system from HOMEPILOT, this is fully automatic and particularly convenient. Control your privacy and sun protection with ease, using the app, by voice control, or at the touch of a button via smart switches. The electric roller shutters, Venetian blinds, and awnings not only save you a job on a daily basis, but also flexibly adapt to your habits and react to the weather. Roller shutter control can be so smart and simple!
Electric belt winders
Save yourself the hassle of cranking or pulling the belt, not to mention the time-consuming installation: with the electric belt winders from HOMEPILOT, smart comfort will have made its way into your home in no time at all. Want to control roller shutters, Venetian blinds, or awnings via an app? Plug-and-play solutions make retrofitting child's play - even if you rent or live in an old building. Simply replace the manual belt winders of the existing roller shutters with electric versions. Moving house? Your electric roller shutters can move with you! The plug-and-play system from HOMEPILOT makes it possible.
RolloTron premium smart belt winder: a wide range of comfort functions
RolloTron classic belt winder: for the design-conscious user
RolloTron pure smart belt winder: focus on simplicity
RolloTron premium surface-mounted belt winder: Installation made easy
RolloTron pure surface-mounted belt winder: with or without wireless control
Roller shutter motors
What is installed in no time at all and disappears so as invisible, inside the wall? That's right! The roller shutter motors from HOMEPILOT are a smart and particularly elegant alternative to electric belt winders. The motors do not require a roller belt and disappear inconspicuously into the roller shutter box after installation. Once installed, you are permanently relieved of the job of manually cranking to raise and lower your roller shutters. The drive motor moves your privacy and sun protection fully automatically - for example at individually predefined times or with the tap of a finger in your Smart Home app. The plug-and-play system simplifies installation and makes roller shutter motors a particularly easy solution for new builds or conversions.
Premium smart roller shutter motor: the all-rounder among roller shutter motors
Roller shutter motor classic: for flexible control
Zeitschaltuhr premium lite: Die praktische Komfortlösung
Zeitschaltuhr classic smart: Flexible Steuerung per Funk
Zeitschaltuhr Gurtkastenformat: Nachrüsten leicht gemacht
Zeitschaltuhr premium smart: Umfangreiche Automatikfunktionen
Auf die Minute
Steuere den Sichtschutz nach der Uhrzeit: Mit den HOMEPILOT Zeitschaltuhren passt du das Auf und Ab der Rollläden einfach deine Tagesroutine an.
Wettersensor smart: Die Funk-Wetterstation für dein Smart Home
Sonnensensor smart: Der praktische 2-in-1-Sensor
Sonnen- und Windsensor smart: Funksensor mit Solarbetrieb
Sonnensensor: Flexibler Hitzeschutz und Schattenspender
Automatisch und flexibel
Per App, Sprache, Fernbedienung oder smarten Wandschalter: Mit HOMEPILOT hast du in der Hand, wie du dein Smart Home steuerst und automatisierst!
Wandtaster smart 1 Gruppe: Steuerung per Tastendruck
Wandtaster smart 3 Gruppen: Flexibler Schalter zum Nachrüsten
Fernbedienung smart: Der praktische Handsender
HOMEPILOT App: Mobiles Cockpit für dein Smart Home
Relaxed into the night
Do temperatures that are too hot or too cold often keep you awake? In the Smart Home bedroom, you can relax night after night at comfortable temperatures. On frosty nights, smart shutters close automatically to keep the heat inside. On tropical summer days, smart heat protection prevents your bedroom from heating up excessively. So you sleep more relaxed and wake up more refreshed at any time of year.
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